Khakimjon Saidov, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Northwestern University
B553, Silverman Hall
2170 Campus Drive
Evanston IL, 60208
Educational Background
Current | Postdoctoral Researcher, Prof. Vinayak P. Dravid and Prof. Dayne F. Swearer Labs, Northwestern University |
2018-2024 | Ph.D. in Physics, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore |
2014-2018 | B.S. in Physics, National University of Uzbekistan (NUU), Uzbekistan |
Research Objectives
- Understanding, engineering, and establishing structure-property relationships of catalytic and solar cell materials at the nanoscale using in situ operando TEM for applications related to energy and sustainability.
- Designing and fabricating novel nanodevices with functionalities such as heating and biasing.
- Studying energy and quantum materials using in situ transmission electron microscopy.
Publications and Supported Works
For complete listings, visit google scholar
- Erofeev*, Kh. Saidov*, Zh. Baraissov, H. Yan, J.-L. Maurice, F. Panciera, and U. Mirsaidov, "3D Shape Reconstruction of Ge Nanowires During Vapor-Liquid-Solid Growth Under Modulating Electric Field." ACS Nano18(34), 22855–22863 (2024)
- Deng, I. Erofeev, A.R. Chowdhuri, H. Philipsen, Z. Aabdin, A.W. Hartanto, W.W. Tiju, M. Zhang, D. Fernando, Kh. Saidov, K. Kumar, A. Pacco, F. Holsteyns, H.V. Huynh, and U. Mirsaidov, "Nanoscale Wet Etching of Molybdenum Interconnects with Organic Solutions." Smallxx(xx), (2024)
- Erofeev, A. Hartanto, Kh. Saidov, Z. Aabdin, A. Pacco, H. Philipsen, W. W. Tjiu, H. K. Hui, F. Holsteyns, and U. Mirsaidov, "Solving the Annealing of Mo Interconnects for Next-Gen Integrated Circuits." Advanced Electronic Materials10(9), 2400035 (2024)
- Saidov, I. Erofeev, Z. Aabdin, A. Pacco, H. Philipsen, A. W. Hartanto, Y. Chen, H. Yan, W. W. Tjiu, F. Holsteyns, U. Mirsaidov, "Controlled Stepwise Wet Etching of Polycrystalline Mo Nanowires". Advanced Functional Materials 34(12), 231083 (2023).
- Saidov, I. Erofeev, H. Yan, Z. Aabdin, U. Mirsaidov, "Direct atomic-scale observation of thermally driven grain-boundary migration associated with triple-junction motion". Phys. Rev. Mater. 7, 063402 (2023).
- Vincent, F. Panciera, I. Florea, A. Ayari, S. Perisanu, C. Cojocaru, H. Taoum, C. Wei, Kh. Saidov, et al., "Field emission characterization of field-aligned carbon nanotubes synthesized in an environmental transmission electron microscope". Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 42(2), (2024).
- Vincent, F. Panciera, I. Florea, N. Blanchard, C. S. Cojocaru, M. Ezzedine, H. Taoum, S. Perisanu, P. De Laharpe, A. Ayari, J. Chaste, Kh. Saidov, U. Mirsaidov, S. Purcell, and P. Legagneux, "Observations of the synthesis of straight single wall carbon nanotubes directed by electric fields in an Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope". Carbon 213, 118272 (2023).
- R. Deng, I. Erofeev, A. R. Chowdhuri, Kh. Saidov, Z. Aabdin, A. Pacco, H. Philipsen, F. Holsteyns, H. V. Huynh, and U. Mirsaidov, "Controlled and Uniform Wet Etching of Molybdenum Nanowires". Solid State Phenomena 346, 351 (2023).
- Aabdin, T. Ghosh, A. Pacco, S. Raj, H. Do, Kh. Saidov, W.-W. Tjiu, U. Anand, P. Král, F. Holsteyns, M. Bosman, U. Mirsaidov, "Controlling the Wet-Etch Directionality in Nanostructured Silicon". ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 4(11), 5191–5198 (2022).
- Akhatov, A. Halimov, Kh. Saidov, "Studying the influence of humidity and temperature of inlet air-flow to the efficiency of evaporation chamber of solar water desalination system". Applied Solar Energy, (2016).