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Khakimjon Saidov, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher
Northwestern University

B553, Silverman Hall
2170 Campus Drive
Evanston IL, 60208




Educational Background

Current Postdoctoral Researcher, Prof. Vinayak P. Dravid and Prof. Dayne F. Swearer Labs, Northwestern University
2018-2024 Ph.D. in Physics, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
2014-2018 B.S. in Physics, National University of Uzbekistan (NUU), Uzbekistan


Research Objectives


 Publications and Supported Works

For complete listings, visit google scholar

  1. Erofeev*, Kh. Saidov*, Zh. Baraissov, H. Yan, J.-L. Maurice, F. Panciera, and U. Mirsaidov, "3D Shape Reconstruction of Ge Nanowires During Vapor-Liquid-Solid Growth Under Modulating Electric Field." ACS Nano18(34), 22855–22863 (2024)
  2. Deng, I. Erofeev, A.R. Chowdhuri, H. Philipsen, Z. Aabdin, A.W. Hartanto, W.W. Tiju, M. Zhang, D. Fernando, Kh. Saidov, K. Kumar, A. Pacco, F. Holsteyns, H.V. Huynh, and U. Mirsaidov, "Nanoscale Wet Etching of Molybdenum Interconnects with Organic Solutions." Smallxx(xx), (2024)
  3. Erofeev, A. Hartanto, Kh. Saidov, Z. Aabdin, A. Pacco, H. Philipsen, W. W. Tjiu, H. K. Hui, F. Holsteyns, and U. Mirsaidov, "Solving the Annealing of Mo Interconnects for Next-Gen Integrated Circuits." Advanced Electronic Materials10(9), 2400035 (2024)
  4. Saidov, I. Erofeev, Z. Aabdin, A. Pacco, H. Philipsen, A. W. Hartanto, Y. Chen, H. Yan, W. W. Tjiu, F. Holsteyns, U. Mirsaidov, "Controlled Stepwise Wet Etching of Polycrystalline Mo Nanowires". Advanced Functional Materials 34(12), 231083 (2023).
  5. Saidov, I. Erofeev, H. Yan, Z. Aabdin, U. Mirsaidov, "Direct atomic-scale observation of thermally driven grain-boundary migration associated with triple-junction motion". Phys. Rev. Mater. 7, 063402 (2023).
  6. Vincent, F. Panciera, I. Florea, A. Ayari, S. Perisanu, C. Cojocaru, H. Taoum, C. Wei, Kh. Saidov, et al., "Field emission characterization of field-aligned carbon nanotubes synthesized in an environmental transmission electron microscope". Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 42(2), (2024).
  7. Vincent, F. Panciera, I. Florea, N. Blanchard, C. S. Cojocaru, M. Ezzedine, H. Taoum, S. Perisanu, P. De Laharpe, A. Ayari, J. Chaste, Kh. Saidov, U. Mirsaidov, S. Purcell, and P. Legagneux, "Observations of the synthesis of straight single wall carbon nanotubes directed by electric fields in an Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope". Carbon 213, 118272 (2023).
  8. R. Deng, I. Erofeev, A. R. Chowdhuri, Kh. Saidov, Z. Aabdin, A. Pacco, H. Philipsen, F. Holsteyns, H. V. Huynh, and U. Mirsaidov, "Controlled and Uniform Wet Etching of Molybdenum Nanowires". Solid State Phenomena 346, 351 (2023).
  9. Aabdin, T. Ghosh, A. Pacco, S. Raj, H. Do, Kh. Saidov, W.-W. Tjiu, U. Anand, P. Král, F. Holsteyns, M. Bosman, U. Mirsaidov, "Controlling the Wet-Etch Directionality in Nanostructured Silicon". ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 4(11), 5191–5198 (2022).
  10. Akhatov, A. Halimov, Kh. Saidov, "Studying the influence of humidity and temperature of inlet air-flow to the efficiency of evaporation chamber of solar water desalination system". Applied Solar Energy, (2016).
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