Yue Li
Applied Physics
Northwestern University
Silverman Hall B553
2170 Campus Dr.
Evanston, IL 60208
Phone: (847)467-2651
Facsimile: (847)467-6573
Email: yueli2014@u.northwestern.edu
Educational Background
2014-Present Northwestern University, Doctoral Student, Applied Physics
2009-2013 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, B.S., Materials Physics with Honors
Research Objectives
As a joint student with the Backman Biophotonics Lab, I study oncology in terms of structure-function abnormalities. Combining super-resolution microscopy, partial wave spectrometry microscopy, and electron microscopy, my project aims at visualizing and quantifying chromatin alterations in early carcinogenesis. For the Dravid group, I am also devoted to developing high-throughput, automated 3-D tomography reconstruction strategies which will benefit the group in the big-data era.