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Yi-Kai Huang

Yi-Kai HuangMaterials Science and Engineering
Northwestern University
Room: 1033B, Cook Hall
2220 Campus Drive
Evanston IL, 60208-3108
Phone:(847) 491-7798 (L)
Facsimile:(847) 467-6573

Educational Background

2008-2014 Northwestern University, Ph.D. student, Materials Science & Engineering.
2002-2006 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, B.S and M.S, Materials Science & Engineering.

Structural and optical properties of cubic-In N quantum dots prepared by ion implantation in Si (100) substrate.

Research Objectives and Approach

Nanopatterning is crucial for future nanomaterials applications. As the desired size of pattern becomes smaller, it is more time consuming and challenging. I'll use new nanopatterning techniques such as DPN and PPL to fabricate functionalized oxide . To produce precise and small pattern good qualities in a more efficient way is my research goal.

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