Eve Hanson
Materials Science and Engineering
Northwestern University
Room: 1141, Cook Hall
2220 Campus Drive
Evanston Il, 60208-3113
Phone: 847-491-7798
Facsimile: 847-467-6573
Email: EveHanson2013@u.northwestern.edu
Educational Background
2013 - Present |
Northwestern University, Doctoral Student, Materials Science and Engineering |
2007 - 2011 |
Princeton University, B.A. Chemistry, Certificate in Materials Science and Engineering |
Research Objectives and Approach
In my work I explore the growth, patterning, and characterization of atomically-thin chalcogenide and oxide systems. The oxide and chalcogenide families allow for tunable properties and new physical phenomena under extreme geometric constraint. Looking forward, I am also interested in precisely defined multidimensional nanoscale architecture
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