M. Arslan Shehzad, PhD

Northwestern University
AB Wing, AG 190, Tech Institute
2145 Sheridan Rd
Evanston, IL, 60208
Phone: 847-467-6499
Educational/Research Background
Current | Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. Vinayak P. Dravid Lab, Northwestern University |
2018-2020 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Georgia Institute of Technology |
2014-2018 | Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Nanotechnology, Sejong University |
2014-2018 | M.S. & PhD (Joint), Nanotechnology and Advance Material Engineering, Sejon Univeristy, Seoul, South Korea |
2013-2014 | Research Associate, Center for Micro and Nano Devices, COMSTATS University |
2008-2012 | B.S. Electronics, COMSTATS Univeristy, Islamabad, Pakistan |
Research Objectives and Approach
Arslan is an expert in semiconductor device fabrication, synthesis of low dimension materials and their applications in electronics and Optoelectronics. He does research in Material Chemistry and nanotechnology. His current area of interest are 2D and 1D materials.
Publications and Supported Works
- A facile route to enhance the mobility of MoTe2 field effect transistor via chemical doping, Muhammad Waqas Iqbal, Ehsan Elahi, Aliya Amin, Sikandar Aftab, Imran Aslam, Ghulam Hussain, Muhammad Arslan Shehzad, Superlattices and Microstructures, vol 147, November 2020
- A Special Issue on 2D and 1D Materials: Trends in Low Dimensions for Nanoelectronics and Energy Applications Guest Editor: Muhammad Arslan Shehzad J. Nanoelectron. Optoelectron. 14, 1353–1357 (2019)
- Novel Synthesis and Applications of Metal, Metal Oxides (MOs), and Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs) for Energy, Sensing, and Memory Applications
Guest Editors: Pradeep Bhasnit, Muhammad Arslan Shehzad and Xi-Bo Li - Nematic liquid crystal on a two dimensional hexagonal lattice and its application, MA Shehzad, DH Tien, MW Iqbal, J Eom, JH Park, C Hwang, Y Seo
Nature Scientific reports 5, 13331 - A progressive route for tailoring electrical transport in MoS2
MA Shehzad, S Hussain, MF Khan, J Eom, J Jung, Y Seo
Nano Research 9 (2), 380-391 - Study of grains and boundaries of molybdenum diselenide and tungsten diselenide using
liquid crystal
MA Shehzad, S Hussain, J Lee, J Jung, N Lee, G Kim, Y Seo
Nano letters 17 (3), 1474-1481 - Dynamics of liquid crystal on hexagonal lattice
MA Shehzad, Junsu Lee, Sang Hoon Park, Imtisal Akhtar, Muhammad Farooq Khan,
Sajjad Hussain, Jonghwa Eom, Jongwan Jung, Gunn Kim, Chanyong Hwang, Y Seo
2Dmaterials, 5 (4), 045021 - Tuned synthesis of novel 3D mesoscopic ZnO crystals using buffer layer assisted grown
MA Shehzad, M Hafeez, S Rehman, AS Bhatti
AIP Advances 3 (7), 072102 - Simple photolithography process for graphene based device with edge contact
MA Shehzad, Sanghoon Park, Woosuk Choi, Young hwi Kwon, Jonghwa Eom (Equal
contribution) - Visibility of hexagonal boron nitride on transparent substrates
DC Nguyen, M Kim, M Hussain, I Akhtar, BA Naqvi, MA Shehzad, J Jung
Nanotechnology, 2020 - Distinct detection of thermally induced spin voltage in Pt/WS2/Ni81Fe19 by inverse spin Hall
G Dastgeer, MA Shehzad, J Eom
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019 - Anomalous photoluminescence and UV light sensing characteristics of ZnO:Ga
nanowires—role of Ga content
MS Riaz, T Nazir, A Farooq, MA Shehzad, AS Bhatti, Journal of Materials Science:
Materials in Electronics, pp 1–8, July, 2019 - Visualizing Degradation of Black Phosphorus Using Liquid Crystals
BA Naqvi, MA Shehzad, J Cha, KA Min, MF Khan, S Hussain, Y Seo
Scientific reports 8 (1), 12966 - Influence of an Al2O3 interlayer in a directly grown graphene-silicon Schottky junction solar
MA Rehman, I Akhtar, W Choi, K Akbar, A Farooq, S Hussain, MA. Shehzad, Y Seo
Carbon 132, 157-164 - A facile route to a high-quality graphene/MoS2 vertical field-effect transistor with gatemodulated
photocurrent response
MF Khan, MA Shehzad, MZ Iqbal, MW Iqbal, G Nazir, Y Seo, J Eom
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5 (9), 2337-2343 - Effect of grain boundaries on electrical properties of polycrystalline graphene
S Park, MA Shehzad, MF Khan, G Nazir, J Eom, H Noh, Y Seo
Carbon 112, 142-148 - Influence of removing PMMA residues on surface of CVD graphene using a contact-mode
atomic force microscope
W Choi, MA Shehzad, S Park, Y Seo
RSC Advances 7 (12), 6943-6949 - Synthesis and characterization of large-area and continuous MoS2 atomic layers by RF
magnetron sputtering
S Hussain, MA Shehzad, D Vikraman, MF Khan, J Singh, DC Choi, Y Seo Nanoscale 8
(7), 4340-4347 - n-MoS2/p-Si solar cells with Al2O3 passivation for enhanced photogeneration
A Rehman, MF Khan, MA Shehzad, S Hussain, MF Bhopal, SH Lee
ACS applied materials & interfaces 8 (43), 29383-29390 - Layer-modulated, wafer scale and continuous ultra-thin WS2 films grown by RF sputtering
via post-deposition annealing
S Hussain, MF Khan, MA Shehzad, D Vikraman, MZ Iqbal, DC Choi,
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4 (33), 7846-7852 - Deep-ultraviolet-light-driven reversible doping of WS2 field-effect transistors
MW Iqbal, MZ Iqbal, MF Khan, MA Shehzad, Y Seo, J Eom
Nanoscale 7 (2), 747-757 - The pronounced role of impurity phases in the optical properties of Mn catalyzed ZnS
U Nosheen, MA Shehzad, S Rehman, M Hafeez, MA Khan, U Manzoor, AIP Advances 5 (9), 097115 - Influence of polyethylene glycol 600 on cellulose acetate membranes for reverse osmosis
A Sabir, M Shafiq, A Islam, SM Khan, T Jamil, MT Zahid, A Shafeeq, MA Shehzad
Polymers Research Journal 9 (2), 291 - Controlled synthesis and optical properties of polycrystalline molybdenum disulfide atomic
layers grown by chemical vapor deposition
S Hussain, MA Shehzad, D Vikraman, MZ Iqbal, J Singh, MF Khan, J Eom
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 653, 369-378 - Cu/MoS2/ITO based hybrid structure for catalysis of hydrazine oxidation
S Hussain, K Akbar, D Vikraman, MA Shehzad, S Jung, Y Seo, J Jung
RSC Advances 5 (20), 15374-15378 - Essential role of catalysts (Mn, Au, and Sn) in the vapor liquid solid growth kinematics of
ZnS nanowires
S Rehman, MA Shehzad, M Hafeez, AS Bhatti
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (2), 024312 - Photocurrent response of MoS2 field-effect transistor by deep ultraviolet light in
atmospheric and N2 gas environments
MF Khan, MW Iqbal, MZ Iqbal, MA Shehzad, Y Seo, J Eom
ACS applied materials & interfaces 6 (23), 21645-21651 - Effect of varied Ag nanoparticles functionalized CNTs on its anti-bacterial activity against
E. coli
SJ Kazmi, MA Shehzad, S Mehmood, M Yasar, A Naeem, AS Bhatti
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 216, 287-294