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Three VPD Group students win second place at M&M 2019

Three VPD students: Chi Zhang, Kelly Parker, and Songting Cai, won second place for their individual posters at the M&M 2019 Meeting. Chi's winning poster was titled, "Identification of Anion Sites in BiCuXO (X= Se, S) Heteroanionic Material." Kelly's winning poster was titled, "Soft Microscopy Of Macromolecules: Correlative Imaging and Enhancing Contrast," Songting's winning poster was titled, "All-scale Architecturing of Microstructure in Chalcogenide Thermoelectric Materials." 

Congratulations to the students for their hard work!

Chi Zhang discussing poster with conference attendee

Kelly accepting her award

Songting discussing her work with conference attendees

Prof Dravid with his students at M&M

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