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Fernando started his new year in HRTEM winter school in Arizona

VPD graduate student Fernando Castro received scholarship to ASU EM workshop, and he spent a productive and enjoyable week there. Welcome home, Fernando!

He is also willing to share his experience with us:

I was fortunate enough begin the New Year by attending the Arizona State University 2015 Winter School on High Resolution Electron Microscopy. The weeklong course served as an excellent way of both reinforcing my current knowledge and understanding of the various aspects of TEM in addition to helping me learn more about the advanced topics in HRTEM.

It was great to be able to interact with other graduate students from around the country who primarily use TEM in their research, as well as with the scientists and professors whose work is at the forefront of TEM-based research. I was also able to see and use the world-class instrumentation located at ASU, such as the aberration-corrected JEOL ARM200F TEM/STEM.

Overall, the ASU Winter School was an extremely valuable experience for me, and I am excited to use what I learned to carry out higher-level electron microscopy work in my own research.


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